Oxygen Forensic® Webinar-AI Madness - Live.

June 3, 2024, 10-10:30 am GMT+8
AI is rapidly transforming the digital world, and its impact on digital forensic investigations is undeniable. This live webinar will explore how AI can influence criminal activity, how digital evidence is generated and analyzed – and the new opportunities and challenges this brings for investigators.

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Key Topics.


The AI Revolution

An overview of how AI is being used for both good and bad within the digital landscape, and its specific implications for crime and criminal investigations.


AI and Digital Forensics

Collaboration or Conflict? We'll discuss the ways AI can enhance investigations and how digital forensic experts can best collaborate with these emerging technologies.


Real vs. AI

Detecting the Difference: Deepfake videos, AI-generated content... How do we know what's real and what's fabricated? Learn proven methodologies for identifying AI-generated content.


Leveraging AI with Oxygen Forensics

Our guest speaker from the Oxygen Forensic SE Team will demonstrate how the Oxygen Forensics Suite of Tools effectively integrate AI capabilities to streamline investigations. Join us for a live demo and expert insights.

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