Google Takeout Import in Oxygen Forensic® Detective

Google Takeout is a service provided by Google that allows users to download all their existing account content and pack it together into one zip file sent  to their email. It can be done for backup purposes or for use in other services outside Google. Google Takeout  supports 47 categories of Google data that include: Activity, Calendars, Contacts, Chrome, Drive, Fit, Home, Keep, Maps, Mail, Pay, Reminders, YouTube, and many others. As investigators will see, Google Takeout stores a wealth of digital evidence. 

Starting with Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.14.3, investigators can ingest and parse Google Takeout files. 

Google Takeout can be created in various languages. For every language a separate parser must be implemented. The current version of Oxygen Forensic® Detective supports the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. 

To import Google Takeout data into our software, press the Google Takeout option on the Home screen: 

Image 1. Import options

Once Google Takeout data is parsed, investigators will see it in the Applications section in the Google app: 

Image 2. Parsed Google Takeout data 

Interested in trying this new feature but don’t have an Oxygen Forensic® Detective license? Request a free, fully-equipped, 20-day trial by clicking here.